Parenting Plans

If you and your partner have decided to separate and have children, the number one priority is to protect the best interests of your children. Separation can be a difficult and emotionally intensive period for not just you and your partner but also your children. Many questions must be answered, such as where the children will live and whether they will continue to live in the family home and attend the same school. Having a parenting plan in Australia provides several valuable benefits for parents.


AFLAS can help you work through this difficult time and ensure your children receive the best protection during your separation with our parenting plan templates, serving all types of families. Purchase and complete a parental plan template with AFLAS today and navigate your separation with peace of mind.

What is the value of having a parenting plan for your children?

Having a parenting plan in Australia provides several valuable benefits for parents.

Here are some key advantages:

  1. Flexibility and Customization: A parenting plan offers flexibility and allows parents to customize arrangements according to their unique circumstances and the needs of their children. It provides an opportunity for parents to collaborate and develop a plan that works best for their family, taking into consideration factors such as work schedules, school commitments, and the children’s preferences.  It is also an agreement that can be regularly reviewed and adapted as children grow older and their needs change.
  2. Parental Autonomy: A parenting plan allows parents to have more control over the decision-making process regarding their children. It enables them to actively participate in developing a plan that reflects their values, priorities, and parenting styles. This autonomy can contribute to a stronger sense of ownership and investment in the parenting arrangements.
  3. Focus on Children’s Best Interests: Developing a parenting plan requires parents to consider the best interests of their children. It encourages open communication, cooperation, and collaboration to create an environment that promotes the children’s well-being, growth, and development. The plan can address specific needs, routines, and parenting responsibilities tailored to the children’s unique requirements.
  4. Clear Guidelines and Expectations: A parenting plan provides clear guidelines and expectations for both parents. It outlines details such as custody, visitation schedules, holiday arrangements, decision-making responsibilities, and other relevant matters. Having such clarity helps parents understand their roles and responsibilities, reducing confusion, conflicts, and misunderstandings.
  5. Effective Co-Parenting: A parenting plan can facilitate effective co-parenting by establishing consistent routines and arrangements. It encourages ongoing communication, cooperation, and collaboration between parents, promoting a positive co-parenting relationship. This stability and cooperation contribute to a nurturing and supportive environment for the children.
  6. Reduced Conflict and Disputes: Having a parenting plan can help reduce conflicts and disputes between parents. By addressing potential areas of disagreement in advance and providing clear guidelines for parenting arrangements, the plan minimizes the need for ongoing negotiation and potential conflicts. This can lead to a more peaceful and harmonious co-parenting relationship.
  7. Recognized by the Courts: While a parenting plan is not legally binding, it is highly regarded by the family court in Australia. If parents are unable to resolve disputes or conflicts in the future, the court may consider the terms of the parenting plan when making decisions about parenting arrangements. This recognition adds weight to the plan and demonstrates the parents’ commitment to their agreed-upon arrangements.
  8. Cost-effective Approach: Developing a parenting plan is generally a cost-effective approach compared to formal court proceedings or seeking consent orders. It can save both time and money by promoting collaboration and avoiding a lengthy and expensive litigation processes.

It’s important to note that seeking consent orders (instead of entering into a parenting plan) may be more suitable in certain situations, such as when there is a history of high conflict, concerns about child safety, or the need for a more legally enforceable agreement. However, in many cases, parents are able to establish effective parenting arrangements through a parenting plan, which offers flexibility, customization, and a less formal approach.

What does a parenting plan contain?

Parenting plans are often created when a couple has decided to separate. At its core, the family law system encourages parents to work out their parenting arrangements among themselves without the court’s involvement. This is to prevent lengthy and emotionally draining litigation and help you save on legal fees wherever possible. 

A typical parent plan may contain the following arrangements: 

  • How each parent will share responsibility for the child or children
  • How they will communicate about changes regarding the child’s welfare, such as schooling or sickness
  • Where the child will primarily live
  • How much time the child will spend with each parent and grandparent
  • What arrangements will be made regarding special events, like holidays and birthdays
  • What process will be implemented should a parent seek to change the plan or bring up disagreements
  • How the child will communicate with each parent

What is the difference between a parental plan and a parental order?

One of the biggest differences between a parenting plan and a parental order is that a parent plan is not legally enforceable. A parental plan is a voluntary agreement that is signed by both separating parents, while parenting orders are issued by the court when the separating parents cannot reach an amicable agreement over how their children will be cared for. A parenting order may also be required immediately should there be a risk of domestic violence or abuse by one of the parents. Remember, a parenting order still contains the same details as a parental plan, they are just legally binding.

Completing the Parenting Plan templates


AFLAS provides two types of parenting plans:

  1. Parenting plans for children under or near the age of 4 years old (infant parenting plan)
    Purchase and Complete
  2. Parenting plans for children over the age of 4 years (generic parenting plan)
    Purchase and Complete

Unsure if you have completed your parent plan template correctly? AFLAS is here to help.  Our Australian parenting plan template PDFs are here to simplify the process. Purchase and download one now prices start from $650 (exc GST), or contact us for more information.

It may be the most important document you ever sign.

Not all Parenting Plans are created equal. At AFLAS, you can download one of our Parenting Plans that matches your situation and protects you. Preparing the document yourself using one of our parenting plan templates and then using one of our trusted experts to review, will save you time, thousands of dollars in legal fees, and reduce your stress.

Safeguard your future and feel empowered in your independence and your relationship.

We’re here to guide you through the process from start to finish. With access to the right information at your fingertips, you can feel confident that you’re armed with the correct information. And, most importantly, that you have support.

Learn about Parenting

How To Determine Parenting Arrangements After Separating
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How To Determine Parenting Arrangements After Separating
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The Family Court (now called The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia) is a crucial arena...
Can you self represent in the family court?
What is a parenting plan? 
If you’re jumping into co-parenting after a separation, or exploring what parenting arrangements are available to you...
What is a parenting plan? 
Parenting Orders – Live with Parent One, Spend time with Parent Two
Guide on how to complete Consent Orders Step 1: Understand what Consent...
Parenting Orders – Live with Parent One, Spend time with Parent Two

Downloads that might help your journey

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The information provided in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or used as a substitute for professional legal advice tailored to your unique circumstances. Always consult with a legal professional to obtain advice related to your specific legal needs. At AFLAS we can refer you to legal advisors, professionals and services, but we are not a legal advice service.