About AFLAS Australia

Covering all aspects of family relationship issues

Australian Family Law Advisory Services ( or AFLAS ) was developed by an multidisciplinary skilled team with knowledge of family law, financial advice, accounting, valuation, mortgage broking and mental health covering all aspects of family relationship issues.

The team lead by Mr Adam Levine the founder of Australian law firms for years, empathised with clients that there was no single source of information or self-help, for legal , commercial and financial information or services that could provide an all inclusive, plain English “ whole of journey” concierge like service. You had to hunt and source solutions from all different unknown providers.

There was no personal advocate, no one who provided a wholistic solution- just a cottage industry of disparate individual service providers all disjointed, sporadic, costly and totally overwhelming. Relationship issues call for “ episodic advice” from a connected and united team of services providers all focused and controlled by your personal advocate – someone who is on your side and can co-ordinate what is needed, when its needed in the most cost effective way, as you go along the complex journey of a relationship realignment.

So AFLAS was born – with the clear vision to reimagine the disjointed family law and relationship eco-system into a single, whole of journey, human focused solution.

AFLAS exists for the sole purpose of helping you through your own relationship realignment journey. We advocate for you, across the various services at the right point in time, to ensure you come through the other side stronger and filled with a positive mind set and enjoying a heathy wellbeing.

So welcome to our family – we are here for you.